
About Me

Hey, my name's Jeni and I'm a coeliac. I was diagnosed in 2009 and decided to create this gluten free blog to share my experiences of being gluten free, tips on where to eat when travelling in the UK and abroad and post my favourite tasty gluten free recipes. You can also follow me on Pinterest, where I save tasty gluten-free recipes for you to try. I also have a gluten-free desserts page too. 

If you want to know more about coeliac disease, the process behind getting your diagnosis or perhaps you've been recently been diagnosed and wondering where to go from here... I've put together a post which might help

I admit, when I was first diagnosed it was the biggest relief in this world. I came out the hospital with the biggest smile on my face (not something you normally do when you've been told you have a disease) because I knew I finally had an answer for why I felt to ill and had proof it wasn't just in my head! And then it hit me... how on earth do I cut gluten out my diet? It's very easy to say, but it's less easy to do and I'll be honest it's a massive learning curve, one I'm still on to this day but I assure you it will get easier with time. 

Once you have your diagnosis the first thing you should do is sign up to Coeliac UK. They are an invaluable source of knowledge and are more than willing to help with any questions you may have. 

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